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A group of initiators converged their will to find Wikipedia for contemporary scholars and experts to publish biography - the biography - and our site is unique from others in that it gives every scientist the right to edit and update his page whenever he wants and thus will be the most expressive of every scientist through: Biography: We will rely more on The biography method for writing the biography, which the scientist will adopt for us before publishing it to be a true translation of his progress and achievement, and it will be published in Arabic or any other language if he so desires. He published a video clip of ten to fifteen minutes in duration in which the scientist presents a summary of his experience and the lessons learned in Arabic or any other language - if he so desires. Providing the site with links to social media pages - if any -. The role of the site is not to discover scientists, but to shed light on contemporaries among them who have obtained one or more honors or patents, or have won international awards and certificates of appreciation from recognized bodies, or have contributed to formulating scientific theories or writing books that have become distinguished references in their field